I added the logo just to let you know the feel of the brand we were working on. My step brother did the logo (I only shaped it to be more legible) The ceiling, we took a little over a week to finish. We used the latex paint that was used for the interior of the coffeehouse, plus black and white. We did a Night Sky themed look to the ceiling and had fun with that. I also hand painted the boards with two colors (one font size smaller - yes, I can do that by hand.eye) The chalk part was written by me as I know that prices need to change. The order here and carry out signs were done by a dual effort with Herb Judy and I. He cut the wood, did the hardware and installed them, I did the painting in a cracked antique finish as that seemed to fit.
I'm almost certain these are no more as the company was sold and then went out of business.